Snow Melts – Revealing Huge Roadway Potholes

As winter slowly fades, drivers are now confronted with huge potholes that are causing untold tire, wheel and suspension damage. Due to the severe winter, the bankrupt highway trust fund and states refusal to repair roads during the Great Recession, the potholes are a nationwide plague.

If you experience a bone-jarring pothole and your tire blows out, a vibration or pull appears, or the opening of a window in milder weather allows you to hear a new noise,  have your vehicle looked at immediately. Do not just rely on the spare tire, if you a fortunate enough to have one.

“Potholes are a driving hazard that can cause significant damage to your vehicle and ruin a tire,” says  Dan Zielinski of the Rubber Manufacturers Assn. “Motorists should be extra careful to avoid potholes but if you hit one, you need to have your vehicle and tires checked for damage.”

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One Response to Snow Melts – Revealing Huge Roadway Potholes

  1. Bud Wright says:

    AASHTO Announces New Information Tool Designed to Educate about Trust Fund Crisis

    WASHINGTON – The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials unveiled a new informational tool designed to educate the public and elected officials about the potential impact of an insolvent Highway Trust Fund.

    The “Nation at a Crossroads” is a web-based infographic, mobile app and printed brochure that provides a national perspective on surface transportation investments. It also provides state-level information to help tell the story of how federal funding affects transportation investment priorities.

    “Surface transportation is a national issue, but it also is a very local issue that affects Americans on a personal level,” said Bud Wright, AASHTO executive director. “This information tool describes the national implications of not supporting the Highway Trust Fund, as well as how transportation will be impacted on a state and local level.”

    The information included in the infographic was collected from AASHTO members as well as industry sources such as the US Department of Transportation, TRIP, American Public Transportation Association, and the American Society of Civil Engineers.

    The web-based version of the infographic is available at, and the mobile app version for both iOS and Android is available for download at

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