Census Bureau – 1 in 4 People Vulnerable to Extreme Heat

Share of US Population Socially Vulnerable to Disaster and Extreme Heat – courtesy of and copyright US Census Bureau

Ken Zino of AutoInformed.com on Census Bureau - 1 in 4 People Vulnerable to Extreme Heat

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Be aware that CRE for Heat does not measure which areas are warmer than others or which areas are more likely to experience future heat waves. Instead, it identifies which areas exhibit low resilience if faced with extreme heat.

*The standard CRE measures social vulnerability that inhibits community resilience while the Community Resilience Estimates (CRE) for Heat adjusts risk factors such as quality of housing, transportation modes and financial hardship to gauge social vulnerability specifically to extreme heat exposure.”

The tool produces national, state, county and census tract (neighborhood equivalent) estimates using individual and household data from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) restricted microdata and the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program (PEP),” the Census Bureau said.

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