California – Equitable EV Charging for Multi-Family Housing?

EV charging at a FLO curbside charger in LA. Courtesy of and copyright FLO – February 2024

Ken Zino of on California - Equitable EV Charging for Multi-Family Housing?

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California Assembly member Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento)* has introduced Assembly Bill 2427, the Equitable EV Charging Act to increase access to electric vehicle (EV) charging for residents of multi-family housing by making it easier to deploy curbside charging. Previous attempts to do have failed by procedural moves from opponents. The California Energy Commission (CEC) found that no more than 33% of multi-family housing residents have access to home charging and that lower income residents, and residents who identify as Black, African American, Hispanic, or Latino have the lowest access to home charging.

“The State of California is leading the way to transition our transportation system to 100% zero-emission vehicles, but the millions of drivers who don’t have access to at-home charging are at risk of being left behind,” said McCarty. “If we want all Californians to have access to electric mobility, we must provide them with convenient and affordable public charging options where they already park: the curb.”

Co-sponsored by companies FLO EV Charging (FLO)** and It’s Electric,***AB 2427 requires the CEC to assess the potential benefits of curbside charging for those who have the least access and requires the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development to develop permitting tools and best practices so that local governments can more seamlessly help realize these benefits. It also requires local governments to consider these tools when developing permitting requirements and criteria to assist developers in siting and deploying curbside charging, the sponsors said in a release.

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