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Donald Trump is a SCAB.
• Donald Trump is a BILLIONAIRE, and that’s who he represents.
• If Donald Trump ever worked in an auto plant, he wouldn’t be a UAW member. He’d be a company man, trying to squeeze the American autoworker.
• Donald Trump stands AGAINST everything the UAW stands FOR.
“When you go back to our core issues – Wages. Retirement. Health Care. Time. That’s what this election is about. Who will stand with us? And who will stand in our way? Those are the questions that will win or lose this election. Those are the questions that will determine the future of our country, and the fate of the working class.When I first came into office, we made some headlines by saying that our endorsements would be EARNED. We’ve said we’d stand with whoever stood with us in our contract fight. Not because somebody was nice to us, and we want to be nice to them.But because we need to know who’s going to PUT UP and who’s going to SHUT UP. We need to know who’s going to STAND UP with us.
“Joe Biden BET on the American worker and Trump BLAMED the American worker.
“We need to know who’s going to sit in the most powerful seat in the world, and help us win as a UNITED working class. So, if our endorsements must be earned, Joe Biden has earned it.
“Today I’m proud to announce that UAW is endorsing Joe Biden for President of the United States. And I am honored to invite Joe Biden to come address our great union, and join us in our fight for economic and social justice for the UAW and for the whole working class,” said Shawn Fain.