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Previously, when operating drones, the drone pilot must be able to always see the unmanned aircraft. However, what the FAA claims are new advancements in air traffic technology and procedures are making these “Beyond Visual Line of Sight” (BVLOS) flights routine. Considerable lobbying pressure no doubt is in play. The FAA budget was threatened by Republicans last year in latest fiscal year fiasco. The current budget expires on 30 September, so fasten your safety belt, this is going to be a stormy flight this fall.
This comes as the FAA works to release the Normalizing UAS BVLOS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), which would enable drone operators to expand operations while maintaining the same high level of safety as traditional aviation.
“We are on track to release the NPRM this year, following strong Congressional support in the recent FAA reauthorization,” the FAA said.