In Stuttgart this morning Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Porsche SE) said fiscal year 2020 profit is projected at ~€2.6 billion based on current data. The group result after tax of Porsche SE is influenced significantly by Porsche’s equityportion from its capital stake in Volkswagen AG of currently about 31.4%, and thus by the group result after tax of Volkswagen AG.
Aside from the operating result, the group result after tax of Volkswagen AG includes additional components such as for example the financial result and taxes on income. On 22 January 2021 Volkswagen AG announced it expects for Volkswagen Group an operating result before special items related to diesel of around €10 billion for the fiscal year 2020. (see on Volkswagen Group Debuts Investment Plan for 2020-2024, Volkswagen Debuts 34 New Models Worldwide in 2020, Volkswagen Group Posts 2019 Profit Despite Diesel Charges)
Stuttgart, 14 June 2021. The 2021 annual general meeting of Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Porsche SE), Stuttgart, will take place on 23 July 2021. In light of the ongoing uncertainty regarding the limitation of the number of participants in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic, it will be held virtually. The invitation to the annual general meeting will be sent through the usual channels by the legally prescribed deadlines.
The dividend proposal for the fiscal year 2020 published in March this year remains unchanged. The board of management and supervisory board of Porsche SE propose an unchanged dividend compared to the prior year of 2.21 euro per preference share and 2.204 euro per ordinary share. This corresponds to a payout of 676 million euro. The annual general meeting will decide on the dividend.