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With the un-official summer driving season due to begin this Memorial Day weekend, here’s a NON-CRASH COURSE in safe driving. Harmless driving is more than keeping a gas tank sufficiently full. Always plan enough time on long trips to stop, to stretch, get something to eat, return calls or text messages, and change drivers or rest if you feel drowsy. Above all don’t drive distracted; defy speed limits, and do drive sober. Both alcohol and drugs whether legal or illicit can cause impairment. It is illegal to drive impaired by any substance in all states – no exceptions. They can and do ruin the skills critical for safe and responsible driving such as coordination, judgment, perception, and reaction time.
“A little planning and some safety checks might spare you from dealing with the consequences of a breakdown — or worse, a highway crash,” the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said today. “Before heading out, check the weather, road conditions, and traffic. Don’t rush through your trip; allow plenty of time to get to your destination safely. And always familiarize yourself with directions and maps before you go, even if you use a GPS, and let others know your route and anticipated arrival time.”