Stellantis Adds Another $55 Million to Archer Aviation

Archer Midnight eVTOL plane on recent test flight – courtesy of and copyright Stellantis – July 2024 all rights reserved

Ken Zino of on Stellantis Adds Another $55 Million In Archer Aviation

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“Few things rival the excitement of seeing a dream take flight. I applaud the innovation, expertise and hard work of the engineering and manufacturing teams from Stellantis and Archer,” said Carlos Tavares, Stellantis CEO. “With this additional investment in Archer, we remain on course for a future where freedom of mobility extends beyond today’s roads.”

The eVTOL plane to be mass assembled in Georgia, called Midnight, is said to be safe, sustainable, quiet with an expected payload of more than 1000 pounds. It can carry four passengers plus a pilot. With a range of 100 miles, Midnight is meant for back-to-back short distance trips of around 20 miles, with a charging time of approximately 10 minutes in-between. All this of course is dependent on The Federal Aviation Administration issuing a type certificate and approving other air worthiness requirements including pilot training, flight procedures and operating limitations. Stellantis will make Archer’s eVTOL aircraft as its exclusive contract manufacturer.

Archer remains on track to complete construction of its high-volume manufacturing facility in Georgia later this year. “This first phase of the build out is a ~350,000 square foot facility on an ~100 acre site designed to support production of up to 650 aircraft annually, which would make it one of the largest manufacturing facilities by volume in the aircraft industry. Archer’s goal with this facility remains to establish a factory that can support its planned commercial ramp up by leveraging the expertise of Stellantis as its contract manufacturer,” Archer said.

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