Supplier Relations Study – Toyota Ascending, Ford Slumping

North American Automotive OEM-supplier Working Relations Index® Study – courtesy of and copyright Plante Moran – May 2024 – all rights reserved

Ken Zino of on Supplier Relations Study – Toyota Ascending, Ford Slumping

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In this year’s study, the WRI® scores show Toyota, Honda, and General Motors finishing 1-2-3, followed by Nissan, Ford, and Stellantis in last place. Toyota jumped 30 points to 368 that puts the automaker alone in the upper good-very good category and is its highest score in the WRI since 2007 when Toyota topped out at 415. Nissan also gained 30 points. Honda gained 13 points and scored 344. Ford dropped 22 points year-over-year, putting the company in fifth place, or two places and 70 points lower since 2016. Stellantis gained seven points but remains in last place at 152. Between Toyota and Stellantis is a gap of 216 points.

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