Toyota Releases More Details on Vehicle Certification Fraud

Certification for Sale Processes for Vehicles in Japan – courtesy of and copyright Toyota Motor Group – June 2024 all rights reserved

Ken Zino of on Toyota Releases More Details on Vehicle Certification Fraud

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“The six cases explained can be grouped as:
Cases (1) to (5) involve development test data applied for certification, and case (6) involves the automaker conducting its own certification test and submitting that data. In terms of the scale involved in the certifications explained today, we certify about 50 models per year and submit about 7000 reports over 10 years.

“The content of one report, for example, in the case of pedestrian protection, includes the results of numerous point collision tests and the results of tests on the left and right sides of the bumper. We do not have the total number of test results at this time, but we have reviewed tens of thousands of test results. Although we are still in the process of reviewing them,” said Shinji Miyamoto, Customer First Promotion Group, Chief Officer.

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