U.S. Trade Deficit Soars as Washington Pols Do Nothing

Another telling and damning month for the dysfunctional ruling class.

Throw the bums out after another damning month for the dysfunctional ruling class.

The United States posted a trade deficit in goods and services of a whopping $41.8 billion in September, up from $38.7 billion in August. The goods deficit with China increased from $29.9 billion in August to $30.5 billion in September.

This latest economic disaster came as the overfed, overpaid Washington ruling class bickered about how to pay for debts they already incurred. Simply put, even a Tea Party Republican can or at least should understand that once again, U.S. exports decreased and imports increased in yet another setback for the economy with devastating results for the 16 to 20 million unemployed and underemployed.

According to the official numbers, which are subject to manipulation by the incumbent “no jobs” Obama Administration, imports increased to $230.7 billion in September from $228.0 billion in August. Goods were $193.4 billion in September, up from $190.6 billion in August. Services were $37.3 billion in September, down from $37.4 billion in August.

Exports decreased to $188.9 billion in September from $189.3 billion in August. Goods were $132.1 billion in September, down from $132.3 billion in August. Services were $56.8 billion in September, down from $57.0 billion in August.

For goods, the dismal deficit was $61.3 billion in September, up from $58.3 billion in August. For services, the surplus was $19.5 billion in September, down from $19.6

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