The car is equipped with four short-range radars, three vision-based cameras, six lidars, a localization system, intelligent software algorithms and various ‘Advanced Drive Assistance Systems.’
In a publicity stunt that includes as much real-world real engineering, Delphi Automotive will to set a record for the longest autonomous drive ever attempted in the U.S. The coast-to-coast trip will launch near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on March 22 and will cover 3,500 miles to New York City.
Delphi has been testing its autonomous driving car in California and in Las Vegas during the Consumer Electronics trade show last January.
“It’s time to put our vehicle to the ultimate test by broadening the range of driving conditions,” said Jeff Owens, Delphi’s chief technology officer.
The autonomous driving vehicle has:
Intelligent software – it is claimed – that allows the vehicle to make complex, human-like decisions (well let us hope not too fallibly human) for on road autonomous driving including:
- Traffic Jam Assist
- Automated Highway Pilot with Lane Change (on-ramp to off-ramp highway pilot)
- Automated Urban Pilot
- Automated Parking and Valet