A downward trend of ~5 percentage points per year has been the pattern for the last two and a half years.
June’s diesel share of Western European regional new car sales, with all data in, is confirmed at 21.1%. July added a percentage point at 22.1% with only Greece data not available. Simply put the diesel engine continues its decline. Annual decline is improved a tad from ~8 percentage points in May to around -6 percentage points in July. (AutoInformed.com on The Growing Non-Exclusive Dieselgate Club – Fraud Charges Also in France for Renault on Diesel Emissions Levels)
A downward trend of ~5 percentage points per year has been the pattern for the last two and a half years, which is half the rate of decline of the preceding period. All markets experienced a YoY fall in diesel share in July with Italy, Luxembourg & Portugal seeing the biggest drop. Spain and Germany were less affected, according to LMC.
Death of the Diesel – EU Diesel Share Continues Dropping
A downward trend of ~5 percentage points per year has been the pattern for the last two and a half years.
June’s diesel share of Western European regional new car sales, with all data in, is confirmed at 21.1%. July added a percentage point at 22.1% with only Greece data not available. Simply put the diesel engine continues its decline. Annual decline is improved a tad from ~8 percentage points in May to around -6 percentage points in July. (AutoInformed.com on The Growing Non-Exclusive Dieselgate Club – Fraud Charges Also in France for Renault on Diesel Emissions Levels)
A downward trend of ~5 percentage points per year has been the pattern for the last two and a half years, which is half the rate of decline of the preceding period. All markets experienced a YoY fall in diesel share in July with Italy, Luxembourg & Portugal seeing the biggest drop. Spain and Germany were less affected, according to LMC.