Japanese Husbands Cross-dress for Nissan’s Mommying Drive

AutoInfomred.com on MOMMYING DRIVE Nissan Motor today announced “Mommying Drive,” a marketing campaign about its family car – Serena – to help husbands understand motoring through the eyes of their wives. Nissan says it wants husbands and dads to fully grasp their wives’ daily life experience in a new video. In the video, three husbands undergo a dressing and styling process to adopt their wives’ appearance and spend the day driving and living their wife’s daily routines, which include driving kids to school, buying groceries, picking up dry-cleaning or picking up children from extracurricular activities. (This a must see: https://youtu.be/S3tovnu40GI)

The project – Auto Informed thinks this is groundbreaking, advanced socially transforming thinking – was supervised by the Japan Aisaika Organization (Japan Society of Loving Husbands). The organization works to make husbands “care and be more grateful towards their wives.” It made 31 January the National Day of Loving Husbands. (Can you imagine the uproar if female friendly Planned Parenthood did such a thing in the Twit nitwit Trump era?)

A test drive event will be held on 28 and 29 January at the Nissan Global Headquarters Gallery in Japan. During the event, male participants will dress as their wives to experience their wife’s routines. Participants will be given directions to drive a Serena to a specific store to buy items chosen by their wife, and load them in the car. Some participants will be asked to wear an inner suit, designed to inhibit some of their movements. All participants will be awarded with a 5,000-yen voucher to use in the specified store.

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