Forecasting is a risky business in these times. Multiple factors are in play. The increasing number of new-vehicle incentives also contributed to the April sales gains. According to J.D. Power, average incentive spending per unit in April is expected to total $1599, an increase of, gulp, 58.9% compared with April 2022. While average incentive spending has risen from extreme lows, it has not increased at the same rate at all automakers. Some brands have been able to finally increase new-vehicle supply, but others are still struggling. To state the obvious, brands with more to sell are positioned to offer incentives. Key here might be the return of Memorial Day sales later at the end of May. Continue reading →
NADA – 2023 US Sales Forecast at 14.6 Million
Forecasting is a risky business in these times. Multiple factors are in play. The increasing number of new-vehicle incentives also contributed to the April sales gains. According to J.D. Power, average incentive spending per unit in April is expected to total $1599, an increase of, gulp, 58.9% compared with April 2022. While average incentive spending has risen from extreme lows, it has not increased at the same rate at all automakers. Some brands have been able to finally increase new-vehicle supply, but others are still struggling. To state the obvious, brands with more to sell are positioned to offer incentives. Key here might be the return of Memorial Day sales later at the end of May. Continue reading →