Allstate Says Its Zodiac Accident Rate Release is Hooey

No word on any studies that rate the accuracy of press releases based on the time of birth.

The Allstate Corporation set off a furor last week when it issued a press release that compared Zodiac sign accident rates among drivers.

In it the auto insurance giant said that during the past year, Virgos were “nearly 700% more likely to be in a car accident when compared to the determined and aware Scorpio accident rates, the best drivers in the study.” Scorpios were only involved in 1.5% of all accidents in 2010.

“Generally, the signs with the fewest number of reported accidents were those associated with traits like ‘compassion, graciousness,’ and ‘resourcefulness’ where those with more accidents tended to be more ‘uncompromising,’ ‘arrogant’ and ‘impatient,” Allstate said.

I’m sure this was news to state insurance regulators, not noted for senses of humor,  to say nothing of  angry customers who erupted on the web. So yesterday Allstate backed down.   

“Astrological signs have absolutely no role in how we base coverage and set rates.  Rating by astrology would not be actuarially sound, Allstate said in an unusual Saturday  statement.

“We realize that our hard working customers view their insurance expense very seriously. So do we.”

“We deeply apologize for any confusion this may have caused,” Allstate concluded.

No word on any studies that rate the accuracy of press releases based on the time of birth.

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One Response to Allstate Says Its Zodiac Accident Rate Release is Hooey

  1. Warren Cockrell says:

    I don’t know about Zodiac signs but I do know the problem here was that the story should have been released on April 1. It was just a few months premature.

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