Tag Archives: lobbying

Bah Humbug! SEMA on Congressional Inaction on Racing Parts

SEMA was referring to the “Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act” (RPM)* that has hobbled around congress for three years staring with the 114th Congress, including the 2021–2022 session of Congress. The Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee and the House Energy & Commerce Committee were involved in the bill, but members weren’t able to get it out of the House or Senate committees for lack of, well, horsepower. Perhaps the bills sponsors, who were overwhelming Republican (102 Republicans, 30 Democrats), were part of the problem. The Republicans aren’t known for their environmental policies, but rather the opposite as Global Warming repudiators often backed by the fossil fuel industry and perennial opponents to fuel economy or clean air regulations. Continue reading

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