CARB – Cleaner Fuels Replace 3 Billion Gallons of Dirty Diesel on Southern California Air Pollution

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New 2018 data from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) indicates that the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) continues to encourage production of a growing volume of cleaner transportation fuels for California consumers. To date almost 3.3 billion gallons of dirty petroleum diesel have been displaced by clean, low-carbon alternatives. The 2018 data also show fuel producers are in 100% compliance with the LCFS.

“Renewable and bio-diesel, renewable natural gas, ethanol, and electricity are all seeing growth under the LCFS,” said CARB Executive officer Richard W. Corey. “These are key reasons why other states and nations are establishing similar programs.”

Californians also have the widest variety of cleaner low-carbon vehicles available anywhere in the country. The LCFS is catalyzing prompting investments in these cleaner alternative fuels. CARB says with abundant evidence that the program provides consumers with more choices while reducing emissions of toxic pollutants and greenhouse gases.

The program aims to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by considering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at all stages of production, from extraction to combustion. CARB developed the program to help support a return to 1990 levels of climate-changing gases by 2020, as required by AB 32, the 2006 landmark climate bill. California reached that overall goal in 2016.

Now a climate target of an additional 40% overall reduction of climate-changing gases is in place for 2030, under SB 32. Sadly, anti-environment Republicans (redundant – editor) prompted by Trump are seeking to end the California law and ban individual states the right to adopt California’s vehicle emissions regulations. (so much for State’s rights) A disaster for consumers and the auto industry awaits

To help California 1990 greenhouse emission levels, CARB built on the success of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard by doubling the required reduction level and setting a 2030 target for vehicle fuels of 20% less carbon than is now found in gasoline and diesel fuel. Those cleaner fuels will displace millions more gallons of fossil fuels, helping pave the way for California to achieve full carbon neutrality by 2045.

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