Pay no attention to that sign.
New data selectively released today by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) shows that some of the latest-generation diesel cars emit low pollutant emissions on the road. This data was measured in real-driving conditions by drivers of the various national type approval authorities.
These tests were the direct result of Dieselgate – emissions cheating software that made dirty diesels look better on laboratory tests than they actually emitted when driving.
So, the people who brought you the cheating fraud now say diesels are clean. Yes, but. (Dieselgate – Audi Fines of ~$1 Billion hit Porsche Guidance. Porsche is Economical with the Truth on Ongoing Risks., California Gets $153m More from VW on Dieselgate, Dieselgate: Volkswagen Cuts Deal with FTC and Plaintiffs, Dieselgate: Bosch Plea-Bargain for Dirty Engines, Volkswagen Pleads Guilty on Felony Charges in Dieselgate, CARB, CDOJ Whack VW for Another $66 Million in Ongoing Dieselgate Scam)
What’s missing of course are older generation designs which are being re-calibrated or shipped elsewhere or cancelled. Testing here by the German automakers association (ADAC) that the best-performing RDE-compliant Euro 6 diesels emit as much as 95-99% less NOx than the older Euro 5 vehicles. Too bad about the millions upon millions of these dirty diesels on the road.
Some 270 new types of diesel cars type-approved against the latest Euro 6d-TEMP standard were introduced on the European market during the past year. The new data show that all of these diesel cars performed well below the NOx threshold of the real driving emissions (RDE) test, which applies to all new car types since September 2017. Not coincidentally, most of these vehicles show results that are below the stricter NOx threshold that will be mandatory from January 2020.
RDE measures key health-harming pollutants, such as NOx and particles, emitted by cars while driven on public roads over a wide range of conditions. RDE therefore ensures that pollutant emission levels measured during the laboratory test (WLTP) are confirmed on the road, and that the legal thresholds are not exceeded during day-to-day driving.
Each of these 270 RDE-compliant diesel vehicle types represents a whole ‘family’ of similar cars of differing variants, so some low-emitting diesel cars are now available on the market. The German automobile club, ADAC, estimates that there are more than 1,200 different RDE-compliant cars available today. (ADAC overview of RDE-compliant cars available on the market: https://www.adac.de/infotestrat/umwelt-und-innovation/abgas/modelle_mit_euro_6d_temp/)
“Automakers have made major investments to quickly deliver these massive reductions in NOx emissions. It is important that we stop demonizing (you mean tell the truth about how we got here?) diesel technology. Instead, we need to differentiate between the old diesel fleet and the latest generation of vehicles,” claims ACEA Secretary General, Erik Jonnaert, who works for the automakers.
Dieselgate Spin Says Modern Diesels Emit Low Emissions
Pay no attention to that sign.
New data selectively released today by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) shows that some of the latest-generation diesel cars emit low pollutant emissions on the road. This data was measured in real-driving conditions by drivers of the various national type approval authorities.
These tests were the direct result of Dieselgate – emissions cheating software that made dirty diesels look better on laboratory tests than they actually emitted when driving.
So, the people who brought you the cheating fraud now say diesels are clean. Yes, but. (Dieselgate – Audi Fines of ~$1 Billion hit Porsche Guidance. Porsche is Economical with the Truth on Ongoing Risks., California Gets $153m More from VW on Dieselgate, Dieselgate: Volkswagen Cuts Deal with FTC and Plaintiffs, Dieselgate: Bosch Plea-Bargain for Dirty Engines, Volkswagen Pleads Guilty on Felony Charges in Dieselgate, CARB, CDOJ Whack VW for Another $66 Million in Ongoing Dieselgate Scam)
What’s missing of course are older generation designs which are being re-calibrated or shipped elsewhere or cancelled. Testing here by the German automakers association (ADAC) that the best-performing RDE-compliant Euro 6 diesels emit as much as 95-99% less NOx than the older Euro 5 vehicles. Too bad about the millions upon millions of these dirty diesels on the road.
Some 270 new types of diesel cars type-approved against the latest Euro 6d-TEMP standard were introduced on the European market during the past year. The new data show that all of these diesel cars performed well below the NOx threshold of the real driving emissions (RDE) test, which applies to all new car types since September 2017. Not coincidentally, most of these vehicles show results that are below the stricter NOx threshold that will be mandatory from January 2020.
RDE measures key health-harming pollutants, such as NOx and particles, emitted by cars while driven on public roads over a wide range of conditions. RDE therefore ensures that pollutant emission levels measured during the laboratory test (WLTP) are confirmed on the road, and that the legal thresholds are not exceeded during day-to-day driving.
Each of these 270 RDE-compliant diesel vehicle types represents a whole ‘family’ of similar cars of differing variants, so some low-emitting diesel cars are now available on the market. The German automobile club, ADAC, estimates that there are more than 1,200 different RDE-compliant cars available today. (ADAC overview of RDE-compliant cars available on the market: https://www.adac.de/infotestrat/umwelt-und-innovation/abgas/modelle_mit_euro_6d_temp/)
“Automakers have made major investments to quickly deliver these massive reductions in NOx emissions. It is important that we stop demonizing (you mean tell the truth about how we got here?) diesel technology. Instead, we need to differentiate between the old diesel fleet and the latest generation of vehicles,” claims ACEA Secretary General, Erik Jonnaert, who works for the automakers.