Republicans Increasing Support of IRA Climate Perks?

As the Inflation Reduction Act continues to be applied across the US voters strongly support the awakened Biden Administration’s industrial and climate policies included in this earth saving and US economy protecting legislation. Nevertheless, there still remain resistance and Republican threats (The only tool the Grand Old Party has?) to parts of  the IRA. (AutoInformed: Inflation Reduction Act Birthday – Changes Needed; EPA Celebrates Inflation Reduction Act Anniversary)

Surprising then to AutoInformed is the latest research from Data for Progress (DPA)* that shows strong IRA support across partisan lines. Maybe the beating the Republicans (aka party of no hope) took in the midterms is beginning to have some corrective affect? Likely not at the upper levels of the party, however their Red Wave is waving bye, bye to them here. The people appear to get it. Maybe they (We The People) should dissolve the Republican leadership and elect a new one?

Ken Zino of on Republicans Increasing Support of IRA Climate Perks?

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Data for Progress surveyed national voters “And no surprise [to them that is], we find that support for the IRA’s key climate provisions remains strong across partisan lines. For example, 73% of national voters support ramping up the production of American-made clean energy technologies, including 84% of Democrats, 68% of Independents, and 67% of Republicans,” DPA said.

DPA Summary – edited for space

“In communities from Nevada to New York, EV, battery, and wind turbine manufacturers have brokered agreements with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, United Mine Workers (UMW) union, IUE-CWA unions, and other groups to set strong wages, establish job training programs, and recruit union, minority, and female workers. On top of the IRA’s existing labor provisions, Vice President Kamala Harris announced last week the Biden administration’s plans to raise wage standards for construction workers across the country.

  • “We find increased support among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans for the Made in America and fair wage standards included in the IRA compared with last November (from 76% to 80% support).
  • “We also find that tax credits for clean energy technologies have gained in popularity since the midterm elections. Just a year into the IRA’s tenure, these tax credits are spurring investment and clean energy development. Citing the IRA’s tax credits, Meyer Burger announced plans for a solar manufacturing facility in Colorado, investing $400 million in a facility that will create over 350 jobs paying an average of $77,000 per year. Similarly taking advantage of the IRA’s tax credits at its West Virginia factory, battery manufacturer SPARKZ plans to hire around 3,000 workers in partnership with the UMW union in an effort to specifically recruit former mine workers as part of the clean energy transition. In November 2022, 65% of voters, including a plurality of Republican voters, supported these tax credits. Our most recent survey finds that 69% of voters now support these tax credits, including majorities of voters across partisanship.
  • “Penalties for excess methane pollution and investments in disadvantaged communities to reduce pollution and improve public health also each saw higher levels of support in July compared with last year (from 69% to 73% support and 67% to 71% support, respectively).
  • “Notably, Republican voters are responsible for the greatest share of increased support for climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act in the past year. Republican support for all six provisions tested increased between last November and this July, with penalties for excess methane emitters receiving the greatest increase in support, from 51% to 60%. Clean energy tax credits for businesses also experienced an 8 percent point increase in support (from 49% to 57%). Republican support for the IRA’s fair wage and Made in America standards also rose — from 69% to 75% — while support for ramping up the production of clean energy technologies increased from 61% support in November to 67% this summer. Measures to reduce pollution and improve public health and household energy efficiency rebates also gained support from Republicans since November, reflecting the success of the IRA’s climate policies in capturing support from across the electorate.”

*A tip of the AutoInformed hat for help to Grace Adcox – polling analyst at Data for Progress, Danielle Deiseroth – Executive Director at Data for Progress, Catherine Fraser – Senior Climate and Energy Program Associate at Data for Progress.

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