Tag Archives: lithium

EVs – Honda, Ascend to Buy Recycled Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium

Through this collaboration, Honda will seek to acquire a consistent supply of nickel, cobalt and lithium that Ascend Elements reclaims from recycled lithium-ion batteries. Honda will then use these materials in its battery supply chain. Continue reading

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EPA Looking at EVs and the Toxic Substances Control Act

It’s the latest example of a regulatory body realizing that battery-powered vehicles present, well, challenges under existing regulations or the lack thereof. It’s a global trend and problem. Under TSCA, EPA’s New Chemicals Program plays a central role by reviewing all new chemical substances before they enter the marketplace in order to bring innovative chemistries to market in a way that doesn’t harm human health or the environment. Continue reading

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Honda and Hanwa Combine to Buy Battery Metals

Through the Hanwa partnership, Honda said it will ensure stable procurement in the medium to long term, of essential metals necessary for batteries such as nickel, cobalt and lithium, with the mined resources secured by Hanwa. It’s the latest move in what has become and EV battery ‘Gold Rush’ albeit centered on nickel, cobalt, and lithium. It remains problematic that China is well entrenched in EV research and development, manufacturing and various processes needed to support EVs. Continue reading

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