Tag Archives: American Innovation and Manufacturing Act

Global Warming – EPA Issues HFC Enforcement Alert

“After another summer of record-breaking heat, the urgency of the climate crisis continues to accelerate. The Biden-Harris administration is committed to meeting our goals to phase-down HFCs, which contribute dramatically to near-term climate change, so that our children and grandchildren can have a sustainable future,” said Assistant Administrator David M. Uhlmann, of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

“EPA and its law enforcement partners will police our borders and ports to halt HFC smuggling to protect our nation from the harmful effects of climate super pollutants,” said Ulmann.” Continue reading

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EPA Hydrofluorocarbon Rule Attacks Global Warming

The proposal follows the Senate’s bipartisan ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, a global agreement to phase down HFCs and avoid up to 0.5-degrees Centigrade of global warming by the end of this century. It’s the latest step in assuring US Global Leadership on fighting Global Warming and Extreme Climate Change, which are people, jobs and planet killing. Continue reading

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