Tag Archives: Automotive Anti-Counterfeiting Council or A2C2

Counterfeit Airbag Threat Still Growing

“While this issue is in the news once again, sadly it is not new. For nearly a decade, Honda has been involved in efforts to stop the sale and trafficking of counterfeit airbags, including helping establish an industry-wide coalition of automakers known as the Automotive Anti-Counterfeiting Council or “A2C2.” In the effort to keep these life-threatening parts from entering the supply chain, our coalition has provided expert testimony in court, accompanied Department of Homeland Security officers on counterfeit raids, and trained law enforcement officers who play a critical role in identifying and taking down illicit counterfeit operations.

“Undoubtedly, these actions save lives, but the best solution is to stop these fake airbags from reaching the market in the first place. To do that, we need to give law enforcement the tools and authority they need to act. That’s why Honda has been at the forefront of a national effort to expand the narrow authority law enforcement currently has, primarily under federal trademark law. I’m proud to say we’ve made significant progress: 38 states have adopted our model legislation prohibiting the trafficking of fake airbags. However, with consumers in 12 more states still unprotected, and the fact that vehicles frequently cross state lines, we still have work to do. Continue reading

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