Tag Archives: IRA

Automakers Want US Taxpayer Subsidies for Aluminum

The letter was published on a website and in full page ads in five newspapers: The Albany Times-Union, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Louisville Courier-Journal, the South Carolina Post and Courier, and the Indianapolis Star. Not coincidentally each newspaper is in a market with one of the remaining six primary aluminum smelters. The letter was also accompanied by a digital ad campaign and mobile takeover on Politico. The power of big special interest money is once again in play, and at least this time subject to public scrutiny and challenges by some as socialism or woke-ism for the one-percenters. Continue reading

Posted in alternative fuels, economy, environment, global warming | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

EPA Launches More Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

The two new competitions are part of the second round of funding from EPA’s $5 billion Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, which was created by President Biden’s bi-partisan Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in history. EPA is announcing the availability of $4.6 billion across two implementation grant competitions, one general competition and one specifically for Tribes and territories. Under these competitions, eligible applicants will compete for CPRG implementation grants to fund measures in their state-, municipality-, Tribe-, or territory-specific climate action plans. As part of its evaluation of applications, EPA will prioritize measures that achieve the greatest amount of GHG emissions reductions. Continue reading

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