Tag Archives: Toyota Troy Missouri

National Labor Relations Board Certifies VW Chattanooga UAW

The National Labor Relations Board has certified the results of the election in which Volkswagen Chattanooga employees voted for representation by the United Auto Workers. The battle with VW management – a later day version of the Ford Rouge battle of the bridge, included disgraceful interference by VW management instead of the neutrality stipulated under US labor laws. The Chattanooga plant has now become the symbol and rallying point of the tough fight for workers’ rights, bringing national or global attention to the struggles and potential of unionizing in the low-wage South. Continue reading

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VW Chattanooga UAW Vote Set for April 17-19

More than 4000 Volkswagen workers are now set to vote in their union election on April 17, 18 and 19. The National Labor Relations Board has scheduled the election and will oversee the secret-ballot vote at the VW plant in Chattanooga. Continue reading

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