Tag Archives: Antonio Guterres

Fossil Fuel Phase Out or Cop Out at COP28?

Nations at the COP28 United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai approved this week a roadmap for “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” a first for a UN conference. However, the agreement is without any apparent way to enforce it. Worse, in the view of the many, many critics of the United Nations actions or lack thereof on planet-killing Climate Change, it did not clearly call for an end of using oil, coal and gas. The latest edition of the annual UN climate conference had been running in Dubai, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates, since 30 November. UAE of course is a major producer of fossil fuels and used the conference lobbying among attending countries to further its own self-interests, according to critics. Clearly we need to do better, much better. Continue reading

Posted in alternative fuels, AutoInformed Editorial, electric vehicles, environment, fools 'n frauds, global warming, news analysis, public health, shows and events | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

COP27 – Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies Scrutinized

Fasten your seat belt this is going to be a bumpy ride to save planet earth and the invasive species known as mankind. It will require collective action from all the participants and special interests. Moreover, the debate over how developed nations should support or subsidize less developed ones will likely be rancorous behind the scenes. Continue reading

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