Tag Archives: Todd Kim

DOJ – Defeat Devices Plea With COBB Tuning Products

The Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have announced a settlement agreement with COBB Tuning Products to settle claims relating to the manufacture and sale of automotive emission defeat devices in violation of the Clean Air Act. The proposed consent decree, lodged in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, is subject to a 30-day comment period and final court approval.

The settlement requires COBB to pay a civil penalty of just over $2.9 million, based on the company’s limited ability to pay, and to stop the manufacture and sale of defeat devices.* COBB is an automotive aftermarket parts manufacturer and retailer based in Austin, Texas, which formerly sold its parts in Plano, Texas; Portland, Oregon; and Fountain Valley, California. Continue reading

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Tadano Group Fined for Selling Dirty Diesel Engines

As part of the proposed consent decree now residing at the United States District Court for The Southern District Of Texas Houston Division, Tadano Group will also contribute $3.2 million towards a project to mitigate harm caused by excess nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions from its non-compliant crane engines. The project will retire a 1975 tugboat and christen a new, cleaner tugboat to service ships in the Port of Port Arthur, Texas. Continue reading

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