Tag Archives: PlusDrive®

First Level 4 Autonomous Fuel Cell EV Truck Demonstrated

Hyundai Motor Company and an autonomous driving software firm called Plus* today unveiled what’s claimed to be the first SAE Level 4 autonomous Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell electric truck in the U.S. at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. A Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell truck, equipped with Plus SuperDrive™ Level 4 (SAE) autonomous driving technology, is on display at the Plus ACT Expo booth (#2044).

Ultimately, software driven vehicles can replace drivers completely so further developments put global truck makers and their customers on a collision course with driver’s unions. Continue reading

Posted in alternative fuels, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, environment, global warming, new vehicle, news analysis, public health, shows and events, software defined vehicles | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment