Tag Archives: ACEEE

Heavy-Duty Emissions Standards – Missed Opportunity?

“The final rule also leaves more work to be done, and state legislatures should spur use of electric and other zero-emission trucks by adopting the Advanced Clean Truck rule. By delaying the final standards for sleeper cabs until model year 2030 vehicles, EPA missed out on the additional climate and health benefits that would have started accruing much earlier from some of the highest-polluting vehicles on the roads. Continue reading

Posted in alternative fuels, auto news, economy, electric vehicles, energy, environment, fools 'n frauds, fuel economy or emissions, global warming, milestones, news analysis, public health, transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Corrupting Influence of Money on US Public Health

“Heavy Vehicle emissions standards recently proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would boost the electrification of trucks and buses, but standards stronger than what EPA proposed are needed to de-carbonize transportation at a pace to prevent catastrophic climate change. While leading utilities are showing that they can help build out the infrastructure at the scale necessary to support the proposed standards, they and their customers will need to invest far more ambitiously to support more robust standards.,” claims Daivie Ghosh, Transportation Senior Research Analyst at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Continue reading

Posted in blog, environment, fuel economy or emissions, global warming, news analysis, public health, transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

US States Lagging Badly on EV Adoption Policies

“We are seeing incremental progress, not transformational progress. States will have to move far more aggressively to do their part to enable the electric vehicle transition that the climate crisis demands,” said Peter Huether, senior research associate at ACEEE and the lead writer of the report. “Auto manufacturers are expanding their EV options and consumers are increasingly choosing them, but supportive state policies are needed to ensure that the electric grid is ready and that all households and businesses, including those in under-served communities, can use EVs and have adequate access to charging.” Continue reading

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