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Tag Archives: energy independence
President Obama Calls for $2 Billion Energy Security Trust Using Fossil Fuel Development Taxes to Wean U.S. from Oil and Gas
Leaving aside the controversy over President George W. Bush’s plan to do so under the flawed Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which mandates ethanol that apparently is now adding $1 per gallon to the price of gasoline, the question remains is this just Washington politics from an Administration whose approval rating is dropping or sound national policy? Continue reading
Posted in alternative fuels, auto news, electric vehicles, energy, news, news analysis
Tagged auto informed, autoinformed.com, automotive news, cafe, eisa, energy independence, ethanol, Ken Zino
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2013 – Make Money or Go Broke for Alternative Fuels Industry?
The legal and regulatory climate has turned against alternative fuels. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C. recently said that EPA’s 2012 requirement for refiners to use cellulosic biofuel – or to purchase credits instead – was illegal since no cellulosic ethanol fuel was produced last year that the refiners could blend into gasoline. The decision came from a lawsuit brought by the American Petroleum Institute, which is actively fighting alternative fuels. The U.S. sends more than $1,000,000 a minute to oil exporting nations, many of whom are hostile to us. Continue reading
DOT and EPA Issue Record 54.5 MPG Fuel Economy Standards
Realistically, the fuel economy average will likely be in the 38-40 mpg range. Therefore, your mileage not only can vary but will vary from big numbers being touted in a closely contested Presidential election year. This, by the way, is where European fuel economy is right now, so if you want to know what the roads will look like a decade hence, travel to Spain or Italy whose governments desperately need tourist revenues to cover their massive deficits. Continue reading
D.C. Court Throws Out E15 Lawsuit on a Technicality
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has dismissed petitions challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s partial waiver allowing gasoline with 15% ethanol or E15 in 2001 and newer model vehicles. Federal law establishes a renewable fuel mandate that requires gasoline producers to introduce significant amounts of renewable fuel such as ethanol into the Nation’s gasoline supply. Continue reading
President Obama Kicks Keystone Pipeline Decision down the Road – after 2012 Election. Corruption Charged at State Dept.
True to form, Obama caught between his political desire to appear to be encouraging energy independence and his need to bolster waning support among environmentalists in what could be a tough bid to keep his job, today ordered the State Department to look at alternative routes that would avoid the Sand Hills in Nebraska. This effectively kicks the political problem down the road until after the 2012 Presidential election. Nevertheless, it does not address larger policy and environmental issues surrounding the tar sands derived oil pipeline. Continue reading
Posted in auto news, economy, energy, environment, fuel economy or emissions, news, news analysis, people, transportation
Tagged alberta tar sands, auto informed, auto news, autoinformed, autoinformed.com, automotive news, big oil, energy independence, hillary clinton, Ken Zino, keystone xl, oil, pay to play washington, transcanada, zino
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President Obama Unveils 54.5 MPG Fuel Economy Regulation for 2017-25. Will it Alter Vehicle Choices and Increase Costs?
In a thirteen minute speech in Washington this morning, President Obama revealed his proposal for doubling the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the U.S. by 2025. This proposal, which will apply to cars and light trucks sold during model years 2017 to 2025, establishes a global warming pollution standard of 163 grams of CO2 per mile per new vehicle by 2025—the equivalent of 54.5 mpg if all the improvements are met through actual increases in fuel-efficiency. Continue reading
Americans Flying More, Driving Less as High Gasoline Prices Cut Auto Travel during the (Non) Independence Day Weekend
Travelers with household incomes of $50,000 or less is expected to decrease from 41% to 33%, while travelers with household incomes of more than $100,000 are expected to increase to 35% from 26%. Continue reading
OPEC to Keep Oil Production Even. Prices Likely to Stay High as U.S. Economic Recovery Stalls and Unemployment Grows
OPEC’s decision to keep oil production levels constant is the latest setback for the stumbling U.S. economy. Since there has been no change in the way oil is produced or traded – as a fungible commodity – there is no reason speculators cannot keep oil prices moving up toward the record $147 a barrel that it hit in July of 2008. In fact, some analysts warn oil prices won’t stop there this time. Continue reading
U.S. Vehicle Miles Traveled Rises in 2010. Still Below 2007 Peak
Preliminary estimates from the Federal Highway Administration show vehicle miles traveled (VMT) increased slightly in 2010 over the previous year. However VMT has not surpassed the peak of 3.03 trillion miles in 2007 when the economy was booming and gasoline was relatively inexpensive. Continue reading
Chesapeake Energy Converts 800th Vehicle to Natural Gas
Unlike the volatility in gasoline and diesel prices most recently caused by turmoil in the Middle East, the price of CNG remains steady at $1.39 per gallon of gasoline equivalent in Oklahoma. Continue reading
Reducing Oil Imports – Assumptions in New Independence Plan
In 2008, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day. By 2025 the U.S. will have cut that by one-third – about where we were in 1975, according to an energy independence plan outlined by President Obama yesterday. Continue reading
Posted in auto news, economy, environment, news analysis, transportation
Tagged auto informed, auto news, autoinformed, autoinformed.com, automotive news, blueprint for a secure energy future, coal, electricity, energy independence, Ken Zino, nuclear power, oil imports, president obama, u.s. energy policy, zino
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President Obama outlines Energy Independence Plan, Touting Alternative Fuels, “Safe” Nuclear Power, 33% cut in Oil Imports
The President ordered that 100% of federal fleet purchases by 2015 will be alternative fuel, hybrid or electric vehicles – in a taxpayer-fueled bonanza for some automakers. Continue reading
Energy Independence – Clean Energy Connector Plugged In
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced an enlightened program that connects families to solar energy through HHS’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).* The so-called Clean Energy Connector,** is a tool that connects families to solar energy through HHS’s LIHEAP. The first-of-its-kind software can now be used by local LIHEAP program administrators in Illinois, Washington, D.C., and New Mexico to connect community solar subscriptions to as many as 40,000 households with low incomes.
“Renewable energy is by far the cheapest form of power and now, thanks to innovative solutions developed under the Biden-Harris Administration, more households across America can access the health and savings benefits that solar power provides,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “DOE’s partnership with HHS will increase the deployment of community solar, helping thousands of families lower their energy bills and in turn reduce their energy burden, ensuring Americans across the nation are included as we transition to a clean energy economy,” Granholm claimed. Continue reading →