Tag Archives: Inflation Reduction Act

Greenhouse Gases – EPA Final Rule for Oil and Gas Sector

“As we implement the historic climate programs under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, EPA is applying the latest tools, cutting edge technology, and expertise to track and measure methane emissions from the oil and gas industry,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “Together, a combination of strong standards, good monitoring and reporting, and historic investments to cut methane pollution will ensure the U.S. leads in the global transition to a clean energy economy,” Regan said. Continue reading

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Death of the Diesel – EPA Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants

In the United States, the transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a prominent source of health-harming pollution. Most of the vehicles eligible for replacement are powered by internal combustion engines that pre-date recent EPA emission standards. These vehicles emit harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, fine particulate matter, and greenhouse gases. Continue reading

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Earth Day – Solar Grants from The Inflation Reduction Act

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced 60 entities will receive $7 billion in awards through the Solar for All grant competition to deliver residential solar projects to over 900,000 households nationwide. The grant competition is funded by President Biden’s … Continue reading

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Greenhouse Gas Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Set

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced final national greenhouse gas pollution standards for heavy-duty vehicles for model years 2027 through 2032 – the “Greenhouse Gas* Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.” Trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles are central to the economy by moving goods and freight as well as providing services for industry, transit, among other sectors. Heavy-duty vehicles account for 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, which is itself the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Under these new standards, the heavy-duty industry is expected to realize annualized savings of $3.5 billion compared to annualized costs of about $1.1 billion from 2027 through 2055 Continue reading

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EPA Finalizes Vehicle Pollution Standards for 2027-32

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced final national pollution standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles for model years 2027 through 2032 and beyond. The standards will have significant effects on the types of vehicles available, how much they cost to buy, own and operate, as well as the economy and public health in a politically dysfunctional country. Let the lawsuits commence, particularly from anti-environmentalists, the Republican party, and fossil fuel funded groups.

“With transportation as the largest source of U.S. climate emissions, these strongest-ever pollution standards for cars solidify America’s leadership in building a clean transportation future and creating good-paying American jobs, all while advancing President Biden’s historic climate agenda,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “The standards will slash over 7 billion tons of climate pollution, improve air quality in overburdened communities, and give drivers more clean vehicle choices while saving them money. Under President Biden’s leadership, this Administration is pairing strong standards with historic investments to revitalize domestic manufacturing, strengthen domestic supply chains and create good-paying jobs.” Continue reading

Posted in auto news, economy, energy, engineering, environment, fuel economy or emissions, global warming, litigation, manufacturing, milestones, mobility company, news analysis, public health, transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Automakers Want US Taxpayer Subsidies for Aluminum

The letter was published on a website and in full page ads in five newspapers: The Albany Times-Union, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Louisville Courier-Journal, the South Carolina Post and Courier, and the Indianapolis Star. Not coincidentally each newspaper is in a market with one of the remaining six primary aluminum smelters. The letter was also accompanied by a digital ad campaign and mobile takeover on Politico. The power of big special interest money is once again in play, and at least this time subject to public scrutiny and challenges by some as socialism or woke-ism for the one-percenters. Continue reading

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EPA Launches More Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

The two new competitions are part of the second round of funding from EPA’s $5 billion Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, which was created by President Biden’s bi-partisan Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in history. EPA is announcing the availability of $4.6 billion across two implementation grant competitions, one general competition and one specifically for Tribes and territories. Under these competitions, eligible applicants will compete for CPRG implementation grants to fund measures in their state-, municipality-, Tribe-, or territory-specific climate action plans. As part of its evaluation of applications, EPA will prioritize measures that achieve the greatest amount of GHG emissions reductions. Continue reading

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DOE Loan to Eos Energy for Zinc Bromine Battery Storage

This is part of the Biden Administration’s awakened and, well, enlightened agenda to onshore and re-shore domestic manufacturing of critical technologies such as battery electric energy storage systems that are essential to building a clean energy future and strengthening America’s energy security. “Using the loan authority from the President’s Inflation Reduction Act, the LPO is impelling billions in public-private investments to boost the nation’s competitiveness, strengthen supply chains, and create good-paying jobs to power the clean energy economy,” DOE said. Continue reading

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EPA Offers Grants to Cut Oil and Gas Well Methane Emissions

“Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, we now have unprecedented funding to cut methane pollution that is fueling the climate crisis,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “This investment will increase competition and help small and medium-sized producers compete on a more level playing field, create new good-paying jobs in energy communities, and support environmental restoration, making clear that strengthening our economy, tackling climate change, and protecting our communities go hand in hand,” Regan claimed. Continue reading

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EPA Celebrates Inflation Reduction Act Anniversary

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today is marking what it says is one year of progress implementing President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, the most ambitious climate law in U.S. history and a core pillar of Bidenomics and the President’s Investing in America Agenda. Since the legislation was signed into law, EPA has put an historic $41 billion to work to reduce emissions, build a clean economy, lower energy costs for American households and businesses, create good-paying union jobs, and advance environmental justice across the country. Continue reading

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Inflation Reduction Act Birthday – Changes Needed

“On the minus side, however, the IRA has no requirements for these massively subsidized companies to do good by their production workers. There are no market-based wage or benefit requirements, nothing that mandates company leaders to pay workers a wage to support themselves or their families – even though the 45X credit on its own is enough to completely cover these companies’ capital investment costs and their total wage bill for the first several years of production. Fortunately, states and communities can take action to ensure this pivotal moment doesn’t turn into another boondoggle for the One Percent, ” said Good Jobs First today. Continue reading

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UAW and Big Three Makers – Biden Wants a Fair Deal

The Biden Administration – facing more than its fair share of critics,  insurrectionists, white supremacists and election deny-ers, among others – has to be wary of an age-old Democratic party tradition as well. When Democrats form a firing squad, they usually stand in a circle. However, the Administration has proven deft at ducking bullets – remember the UPS strike that was going to upend commerce – widely predicted and welcomed by some on the right? It didn’t happen. And Bidenomics has proven so successful that some of the Republicans who voted against it are now taking credit for the jobs and economic activity it is producing in their home states. So much for the red wave, unless it’s waving good bye to civilized discourse and the common good of We The People. Continue reading

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UAW Blasts Biden and Inflation Reduction Act

“The so called 45X program alone will cost taxpayers more than $200 billion in the next decade, far more than the $31 billion estimated by Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation. On top of 45X and other federal incentives, factories manufacturing electric vehicles and batteries have also been promised well over $13 billion in state and local economic development incentives in just the past 18 months,” the UAW said. Continue reading

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Chinese April Sales Soft – EV Exports Threaten Global Trade

AutoInformed notes here that the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act is actual a climate change and industrial policy bill that has global trade implications among US allies, trading partners and hostile states – say Russia and China. This is leading to the creation of a new term that will replace “offshoring” in trading and policy jargon.  How about “friend shoring,” which is starting to emerge in automotive circles. Continue reading

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Canadian Industrial Policy Actively, Successfully Pursuing EV Climate and Economic Benefits with New Mercedes, VW MOUs

Free market ideologues, many of them backed by fossil-fuel-providers, disdain such progressive thinking and are positively scornful of a federally directed industrial policy such as the tiny one established in the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act. Not a single Republican voted for it. This, arguably, is the US’ first significant climate law since Congressional hearings were first conducted on the environment 40 years ago. It’s also significant change in political philosophy toward rational thinking over ideology. Continue reading

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