Tag Archives: MLIT

More Toyota Certification Problems Emerge from MLIT Probe

Toyota Motor Corporation said today that it had received a “correction order” from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), that calls for “drastic reforms to ensure appropriate certification operations.” Akio Toyoda’s chairman’s position remains under threat here from dissatisfied shareholders, AutoInformed notes. Continue reading

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Toyota Releases More Details on Vehicle Certification Fraud

“All the cases are related to certification. The certification system in Japan verifies whether a product meets the established standards mainly in the fields of safety and environment using measurement methods in accordance with rules. Vehicles can only be manufactured and sold after meeting certification test standards. The point of this issue is that the vehicles were mass-produced and sold without going through the correct certification,” Toyoda said. Continue reading

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Toyota to Restart Pixis Production and Shipments

“Toyota will provide full support to ensure that the various measures are implemented. We will resume production of the models to be released for shipment by MLIT as soon as they are ready, while carefully communicating with our suppliers and other related parties,” Toyota said. Continue reading

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Group Troubles Move Forward Akio Toyoda’s Vision Speech

Toyota Motor Corporation Chairman of the Board of Directors Akio Toyoda (aka Morizo) today spoke to an audience of chairmen, presidents, and front-line leaders from 17 Toyota Group companies [1] at the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology [2] … Continue reading

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CJPT expels Hino over Emission Data Certification Fraud

In a move that appears to be an attempt to isolate Hino’s owner Toyota from the ongoing legal and other liabilities in the matter that started in 2003, Akio Toyoda, President of Toyota Motor Corporation “suggested that the misconduct committed by Hino is incompatible with CJPT’s * aspirations and goals and that the continued inclusion of Hino in activities will not gain the understanding of its customers and the public,” the Toyota statement said. Continue reading

Posted in alternative fuels, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, energy, environment, fuel economy or emissions, global warming, news analysis | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment